Missing the Marriage Feast
Matthew 22:1
Matthew 22:1
Homecoming 2017. We were blessed to have Brother Bobby Stewart with us for our Homecoming celebration. Bro. Stewart presented information regarding his ministry followed by a message that entreated us that we no longer spurn the opportunity to make Jesus our prophet, our priest, and our king.
Father’s Day, Sunday, June 18, 2017. From Luke Chapter 16.
1 Corinthians 15
Sunday morning, February 5, 2017. 1 John 5:9-13. Most of the World’s religions say that after you have taken your last breath, you will find out if you are going to Heaven. The World says you can’t possibly know for sure, but the Bible tells us otherwise.
Sunday morning, December 18, 2016. Romans 5. People tend to gravitate toward that which is of the greatest value.
Sunday morning, December 11, 2016. Esther Chapter 7. What it must have been like to be Haman – to have told everyone how respected you were in the kingdom, that you would be honored by the king, and by the end of the day to be hanging by the same gallows you had made.
Sunday morning, October 30, 2016. The things that are the most terrifying of all are those that are unexpected.
Sunday morning, October 16, 2016. Naaman was a well respected and religious man. But Naaman found that salvation was not based on the respect of friends and followers. The Lord doesn’t look on the outside – He looks on the heart.