Thou Hast Left Thy First Love
Sunday morning, February 2, 2017. Revelation 2:1-4. Do you love the Lord, or have you lost the love? When you love Him, you trust Him. You want to talk to Him, and you want to know what He has to say to you.
Sunday morning, February 2, 2017. Revelation 2:1-4. Do you love the Lord, or have you lost the love? When you love Him, you trust Him. You want to talk to Him, and you want to know what He has to say to you.
Sunday evening, January 29, 2017. 2 Chronicles 25:5-12. It will cost you to live for God, but the Lord is able to give you much more than what you would give up.
Sunday morning, January 15, 2017. Exodus 8:25-27. Through Pharaoh’s attempt to compromise with Moses, we see first that you cannot negotiate with God. We also see the ways in which the devil tempts Christians to compromise in their walk for Christ.
Sunday morning, January 1, 2017. Acts 1:7:9. I believe every one of us aught to be a missionary for the Lord Jesus Christ, and if we are going to be a missions-minded church, each individual believer must determine that they are actively going to take part in the mission that the Lord has given to us.
Sunday evening, December 11, 2016. Hebrews 12:1-2. It is my hope that each person here, and every child of God, would run according to the rules of the race.
Wednesday evening, November 30, 2016. The Bible is a mirror that shows us what we really look like. People stop listening to the Word of God because they do not like what it reveals about them.
Sunday evening, November 20, 2016. Though the world would seek to discomfort, discourage, and distract us, we are doing a great work and cannot come down!
Sunday morning, November 13, 2016. The Lord tells us in the passage the way the home ought to operate if it is to be a happy, prosperous, and protected place.
Wednesday evening, November 9, 2016. What Paul is describing here, under inspiration of God, is the relationship that you and I, as God’s spiritual people, should have with God’s earthly people – the Jews.
Sunday morning, October 23, 2016. At the time that we are seeing Josiah, the nation is so far from the Lord it seems like they’d never get back. But when they got back to the Bible, they had the greatest revival they had ever seen. Get back to the Bible!