Sermons tagged with ‘purpose’

1118 of 18 items

A Missions-Minded Church


Sunday morning, January 1, 2017. Acts 1:7:9. I believe every one of us aught to be a missionary for the Lord Jesus Christ, and if we are going to be a missions-minded church, each individual believer must determine that they are actively going to take part in the mission that the Lord has given to us.

Why I Can’t Come Down


Sunday evening, November 20, 2016. Though the world would seek to discomfort, discourage, and distract us, we are doing a great work and cannot come down!

If the Rapture Was Tonight


Sunday evening, October 2, 2016. The rapture of the Church is a Bible doctrine. It is a scriptural doctrine. Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth. Tonight, I want to consider if the rapture was tonight.

Addicted to the Ministry

A photo by Ben White.

August 19, 2016. In this convicting and inspiring message beginning in 1 Corinthians 16:15, Pastor Morgan Lester illustrates the method of addiction and the joy that comes from being addicted to the ministry of the Lord.